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Single Mom Starter Kit

Dr. Samara Ryce

Single mom starter kit:

1. Wine

2. A tribe of people who love you and your kids

3. Inside voice for whispering when yelling won't do & outside voice when they act like they have lost their Jesus.

4. Smart phone with app for bible, alarm clock, school grades app, a bazillion kids games to pass time and keep kids quiet, Facebook, Instagram, and googling all of the foolishness preteens do so that I know I'm not alone and I'm not going crazy

5. First aid kit because the middle child thinks he is spider-man

6. An iPad to keep the 5 year old happy and quiet when you have work to do

7. Phone number of someone great at putting away laundry

8. List of restaurants where kids eat free

9. Cash. Because these kiddos need all of it.

10. YouTube so you can listen to Dr. Eric Thomas, T. D Jakes and Les Brown to find your "why" and keep you working, day in and day out

11. A really great massage therapist (shoutout to Justice at Massage Empire)

12. A side hustle that involves your passion

13. A plan for your education and your future

14. A plan for your children's education and their future.

15. Some red lipstick

16. A bomb pair of high heels

17. A friend you can cuss with

18. A friend you can cry with

19. A mirror you can tell the truth to and also check your makeup with

20. Coupons and the great prices and great service of the good people at Publix. (They will put your groceries in the car even when it rains with a smile on their face.) Glorrrraaaayyyyy!!!!


Stone Mountain, GA, USA

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